Exploring the Different Types of Workshops Offered by Counselors and Therapy Centers in Colorado Springs

Are you looking for ways to gain insight into your mental health & wellbeing? Colorado Springs has many counseling & therapy centers offering classes, workshops & seminars to help you on your journey to healing.

Exploring the Different Types of Workshops Offered by Counselors and Therapy Centers in Colorado Springs

Are you looking for a way to gain insight into your mental health and wellbeing? Colorado Springs is home to a variety of counseling and therapy centers that offer classes, workshops, seminars, retreats, and professional advice in a variety of specialties. From cognitive therapy to trauma-informed care, these centers provide a range of services to help you on your journey to healing. At A Cognitive Connection, you can find cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy, memory care, and brain integration. This center is the go-to place in Colorado Springs for those looking for help with their mental health.

Journey is another great option located in the foothills of the Wasatch Range near Salt Lake City (Utah). Here, you can find a healing experience in a naturally serene and reflective environment. Journey also offers workshops that focus on the role of alcohol in society and in one's own life. Peaks Recovery Centers in Colorado Springs integrate individual, group, and traumatic therapies to treat both substance use disorder and many co-occurring mental health problems. The Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute is a community-based nonprofit organization located in Denver that provides practical group counseling and professional training.

They also offer workshops that focus on the common impacts of trauma on relationships and how to connect with others in meaningful ways. The Regis Center for Counseling and Family Therapy provides financial and legal education, mediation, and individual and family counseling. The Family Counseling and Therapy Center helps clients develop an authentic relationship with their therapist while developing life skills derived from the latest research and best practices. The Division of Counseling and Family Therapy at Regis University offers progressive, experiential learning at a state-of-the-art counseling center. Finally, the Gallogly Wellness and Recreation Center offers individual workshops that focus on messages we receive in society about people identified as men. These messages include “broculture” and “toxic masculinity”.

Counseling appointments can be scheduled by calling the Wellness Center at (71-255-4444) or by going in person. If you're looking for ways to gain insight into your mental health and wellbeing, Colorado Springs has many counseling and therapy centers that offer classes, workshops, seminars, retreats, and professional advice. Whether you're looking for cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy, memory care, brain integration, or something else entirely, there are plenty of options available to help you get the support you need. At A Cognitive Connection, Journey, Peaks Recovery Centers, Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute, Regis Center for Counseling and Family Therapy, Family Counseling and Therapy Center, Division of Counseling and Family Therapy at Regis University, or Gallogly Wellness and Recreation Center, you can find workshops that focus on topics such as alcohol use in society, trauma impacts on relationships, financial education, legal education, mediation services, life skills development, broculture messages about men's identity, toxic masculinity messages about men's identity, or something else entirely.

No matter what type of workshop you're looking for or what type of help you need with your mental health journey, Colorado Springs has plenty of options available to meet your needs. So don't hesitate to reach out today to get started on your path towards healing.

Bridget Silcott
Bridget Silcott

Wannabe tv advocate. Friendly zombie specialist. Professional social media evangelist. Hipster-friendly beer expert. Hardcore beer trailblazer.