Mental Health Counseling Services in Colorado Springs: Get the Help You Need

Mental health centers in Colorado Springs provide residential & outpatient treatment for eating disorders, panic disorders, schizophrenia, ADHD & more. Get help now!

Mental Health Counseling Services in Colorado Springs: Get the Help You Need

Mental health centers in Colorado Springs, Colorado provide residential and outpatient treatment for a variety of mental health problems, including eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, panic disorders, schizophrenia, ADHD, post-traumatic stress disorder, mood disorders, depression, personality disorders, phobias, and other mental illnesses. Loss and grief can be immobilizing. You may not know how to move forward or what will come next. Grief therapy provides you with professional support as you overcome a loss, process any trauma, and move on to the next steps.

Unresolved traumas can have a significant impact on your life. Trauma-based therapy helps you to identify the areas of your life that are affected by trauma and work through them in order to move forward. A therapist who is familiar with the many ways that trauma can affect your life and your overall sense of identity, safety, and well-being can provide invaluable support. No matter what type of counseling you're looking for, you can find it at Overcome Counseling in Colorado Springs. If you're ready to contact a counselor in Colorado Springs, call (71) 345-2424 and someone will help you find a counselor.

Colorado College also offers a database of Colorado therapists and prescribers who work off campus, either by telemedicine or in person. Mental illness usually does not occur suddenly or out of the blue; instead, people around the affected person usually begin to recognize small changes in behavior as the illness increases in intensity. Below is a breakdown of some of the different counseling services offered in Colorado Springs:

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia are serious mental health issues that require specialized treatment. Counselors at Overcome Counseling are trained to help individuals struggling with eating disorders to develop healthy eating habits and cope with their emotions in a healthy way.

Panic Disorders

Panic disorders can be debilitating and can interfere with daily life. Counselors at Overcome Counseling are experienced in helping individuals manage their panic attacks and develop coping strategies to reduce their anxiety.


Schizophrenia is a complex mental illness that requires specialized treatment.

Counselors at Overcome Counseling are trained to help individuals with schizophrenia manage their symptoms and develop coping strategies to improve their quality of life.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common mental health issue that can interfere with daily life. Counselors at Overcome Counseling are experienced in helping individuals manage their symptoms and develop strategies to improve their focus and concentration.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious mental health issue that can have long-term effects on an individual's life. Counselors at Overcome Counseling are trained to help individuals manage their symptoms and develop coping strategies to reduce their anxiety.

Mood Disorders

Mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder can be difficult to manage without professional help.

Counselors at Overcome Counseling are experienced in helping individuals manage their symptoms and develop strategies to improve their moods.

Personality Disorders

Personality disorders such as borderline personality disorder can be difficult to manage without professional help. Counselors at Overcome Counseling are experienced in helping individuals manage their symptoms and develop strategies to improve their relationships.


Phobias can be debilitating and can interfere with daily life.

Counselors at Overcome Counseling are experienced in helping individuals manage their phobias and develop coping strategies to reduce their anxiety. No matter what type of mental health issue you're facing, there is help available at Overcome Counseling in Colorado Springs. If you're ready to take the first step towards getting the help you need, call (71) 345-2424 today.

Bridget Silcott
Bridget Silcott

Wannabe tv advocate. Friendly zombie specialist. Professional social media evangelist. Hipster-friendly beer expert. Hardcore beer trailblazer.