Finding Additional Help and Resources After Counseling in Colorado Springs

Find out about additional help & resources after counseling in Colorado Springs such as HEAP, home modification & repair services, 2-1-1 support & more.

Finding Additional Help and Resources After Counseling in Colorado Springs

If you are looking for extra help or resources after your counseling sessions in Colorado Springs, there are a number of options available to you. From energy assistance to home modification and repair, to finding vital services such as emergency shelter, food, rent and utility assistance, child care, health care, and more, there are a variety of resources available to help you. The Energy Resource Center offers HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) for winter preparation assistance. Brothers Redevelopment provides home modification and repair services as well as housing advice.

Additionally, 2-1-1 support is available to Coloradans to help them find the vital services they need. By dialing 2-1-1, families and individuals can get the help they require when they need it most. For those seeking marriage counseling, Focus on the Family Christian Counselor Network offers video sessions with chat assistance using RTribe. Thousands of marriages have been transformed with the help of professionals who understand your current situation and care deeply about the outcome you and your spouse will reach in the future.

Focus on Family Hope Restored Marriage Intensives assist couples who are on the brink of divorce. Before closing the door for good, it is important to try to save your marriage once again. These programs provide personalized and intimate support to restore people and rebuild marriages. The Public Utilities Commission approved the 2-1-1 calling code in 2002, which is available to all Coloradans no matter where they live.

The Health First Colorado website and public messages are made possible by grants from the Colorado Health Foundation and the Caring for Colorado Foundation. The CSEAP (Colorado State Employee Assistance Program) can include family members or someone with whom they have a close or intimate relationship in family or individual counseling sessions. The Counseling Center at Colorado College is dedicated to providing professional mental health services to students. The Colorado 2-1-1 database contains information on more than 8,000 services across the state of Colorado.

Additionally, Colorado College offers a database of Colorado therapists and prescribers who work off campus, either by telemedicine or in person. Finally, Health First Colorado members have access to a nursing advice line which provides free medical information and advice in both English and Spanish 24 hours a day.

Bridget Silcott
Bridget Silcott

Wannabe tv advocate. Friendly zombie specialist. Professional social media evangelist. Hipster-friendly beer expert. Hardcore beer trailblazer.